The Wizard of Oz

The meaning behind the story.

Over Christmas and being in lockdown I had plenty of time on hands and made the most of some free time.

I got a chance to re watch some old movies that I never seem to tire of.

One favourite of mine since childhood is the Wizard of Oz. I love the story, the songs the little dog and especially the happy ending. I bet you all know the story of Dorothy trying to find her way back home, after finding herself in a foreign land of Oz having been transported their by a tornado (I know bear with me it was all in her dream).

Along the way she meets 3 friends, each also in search of something.

The tin man who wanted a heart

The scarecrow who wanted a brain

The lion who wanted courage.

They were all trying to get to the emerald city to meet the Wizard of Oz who they thought would be the answer to their problems and grant them their wishes.

We, like the characters in the movie, often feel we are lacking and in the words of the films song “if I only had a brain” we can often feel things could be different “if only”.

When clients come to me with things they would like to change about themselves, I often here them say “if only”. “If only I was more confident” “If only I could control my anxiety” “If only I could control my eating” There are so many if onlys holding us back.

They might try many things along the way but each time hit a hurdle that prevents them achieving their desired goal.

Just like the Wizard of Oz who sits in his emerald city and it turns out doesn’t really have any wizardry powers, I don’t have the power to make these changes in anyone, but I can help you take back control of your life.

As in the story, once the characters eventually made it to the emerald city and met the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, they discovered they had the power all along. The scarecrow always had a brain. The lion was already full of courage and the tin man had a heart. Dorothy too held the power to return to a home she loved.

Very cleverly written story and a great parable for us all.

Just like the characters in the film, You have the power to take Control and change your life too. You always had that power you just needed to learn how to overcome the fears, bad habits, past traumas, so you can move on.

The Control system can help you do that. It is a seven step programme designed to help you achieve the changes you want to make.

The CONTROL system is a direct hands on method of creating rapid and positive change in the way you think feel and behave. Using the way your mind works best, enabling you to get control of your conscious patterns of thought, giving you the power to remove blockages and limiting beliefs that hold you back.

By using direct communication with the most powerful and creative part of your mind the CONTROL system puts you back in charge of your own responses. This is a permanent means of updating your automatic patterns of thought and programming yourself for success.

CONTROL can be used to change almost any current pattern of thought you are unhappy with. The beliefs that restrict us and prevent us from reaching our true potential are all at some part learnt at a subconscious level.

Just like the Lion in the story being told he had no courage and so believing this to be true, once he realised he did have courage all along, he could then become the lion he always wanted to be. He was free to display his courage and live life fully.

Concerns we can work on and change are endless but include *Anxiety, *low self-esteem, *self-confidence, *eating disorders, *chronic illness, *pain management *poor sleep, *OCD, *time management, *stress *feelings of overwhelm, *phobias, *addiction

If you would like to know more get in touch. Initial consultations are free and all sessions can be done via Zoom.


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